Treatment of sleep apnea and snoring
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome affects so many people (5 to 7% of the population) that it is now considered a public health problem.
Apneas (or hypopneas) are short periods when the breathing stops. These apneas cause frequent disruptions in sufferers’ sleep patterns, leading to them feeling tired during the day.
In addition, apneas gradually reduce oxygen saturation (that is, the amount of oxygen in the blood) and thereby increase the risk of cardio-vascular disease.
Blockages of the upper respiratory tract can cause snoring or stop breathing.
The position of the jawbones has a major effect on how easily air can pass into the windpipe. Mandibular advancement enlarges the posterior pharynx, thereby facilitating the passage of air into the respiratory tract.
A Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) provides an alternative, mechanical solution to Continuous Positive Pressure (CPP).
Following an examination by your dentist, in consultation with your doctor, we take a mould of your teeth.
This mould is sent to a laboratory at Champagne-aux-Monts-d’Or (69), where the Mandibular Advancement Device will be made.
We then adjust the device in order to optimise the mandibular advancement.